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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thankful for Forgiveness Day 25

   I am so thankful for the forgiveness that my Savior has shown to me.  Jesus has called me to be his daughter.  All I have to do is come to Him in prayer and confess my sins, admit I need Him and believe that He died on the cross to save me.  That is it!    I prayed this prayer  as a child.  I may have strayed or got angry at God and made mistakes but it never changes His love for me. I still get to spend eternity with Him.  One thing I know is that this forgiveness is real and that He will never leave me or forsake me. 

      This topic  is huge but I just wanted to share something I learned in my church Bible study group on Tuesday.  We looked up this verse about revenge or retaliation when someone has does something to hurt us.  When this happens we usually want to get back at the person and make them hurt as much as we do but that is not what the Bible teaches us to do.  You may have heard this verse before and I think it is very clear!
 "Repay no one evil for evil. 
 Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peacably with all men.
Beloved, do not avenge yourselves,
but rather give place to wrath for it is written
"Vengenance is mine, I will repay", says the Lord.
(and now the hard part)
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him.
If he is thirsty, give him a drink.
For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.
Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good."
     The part that I learned was that when we pray for our enemies and are nice to them  (feed them and give them drinks) we are pouring blessings on them.  The part about the coals which I thought meant that they would be punished is not that at all.  God wants us to be kind to our enemies and in doing so we may have a part in bringing a change about in them.  The coals actually were a good thing back in the days of Jesus.  When people traveled long distances they would carry coals with them so that when it got cold at night they could easily start a fire.  Having coals meant warmth and a way to cook food.  It was a great thing!
     So even though the selfish part of me thought of only vengenance, God is looking at the bigger picture.  That if I can be light and kindness to even my enemies, they will feel the love of Jesus through me and may come to know Him someday also!  So as hard as it is to forgive the ones who have wronged me, I try very hard to do so.  Sometimes I have to ask God to help me.  Sometimes, I have to place this person before the Lord over and over again.  Eventually He will bring it about.  It takes time.  It isn't easy but it is something He has been teaching me this year.  I trust Him to bring good out of even these difficult situations. 
This song by Matthew West called Forgiveness really speaks to me

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thankful for this Blog Day 24

     The more I write, the more I want to lately.  I am sure that not everyone wants to read every blog I write but it is good exercise for my mind, fingers and heart.   I was looking through some strangers blogs this morning.  There are so many people who have a story to share and beautiful ministries and families to share.  If I can use this platform to bless my family with encouraging words and pictures and to share the Word of God then it is a wonderful thing.  So I am thankful for this site to store my precious family memories and to share with my family.  All I ask is that "the words of my mouth ( and my writing) be pleasing in your sight, Oh Lord, my rock and my redeemer!"  Psalm 19:14

Thankful for God's Revelations Day 23

     I am always amazed at how God speaks to me in His word.  How I will be reading in one part of the Bible one morning and then the Pastor speaks to me from the same chapter at Sundays sermon.  Even the other day, I was in line to get a Red box movie and the lady behind me had a Snow White and her Henchman movie which she offered to me.  She also had a Dopey tattoo.  (that's another story)   The funny part was that the next day at church, my pastor's sermon title was ~"Whistle while you work!" with a picture of the seven dwarfs!  Coincidence?  I think not.  It has all become familiar to me as God's voice.  If you are careful, and thoughtful enough, you will pick up on His Voice, if you pay attention! 
     So when I sat in church Sunday and saw the picture of the 7 Dwarfs on the screen, my ears immediately perked up because I knew that what Pastor Roland had to say was relevant to my circumstances.  I listened carefully to the message and for what He had for me in it!  There was a lot to the message but the part I took for me was that God has placed me in my job situation for a reason.  I am with these coworkers and patients to be His light to them.  To do the work that He has already planned for me a long time ago.  That lately, I have looked online to see other jobs within the hospital but was I really done with the work He has for me here?  The answer to myself was, probably not.  When He is ready for me to move on, He will make it very clear to me.  As God said to Pastor when he had prayed about leaving St Albans years ago ~Is everyone in St Albans saved yet?  Is the work done there yet?  And Pastor Roland realized very quickly that his work was not done yet.  I might think I want to go elsewhere, but deep down I know that it is not the time. 
     You see, that morning before going to church I read in Jeremiah, these verses which had jumped out at me for some reason.  "If you will still remain in this land, then I will build you and not pull you down, and I will plant you and not pluck you up."  Work has been difficult for me lately but I think God is teaching me something during this time.  He goes on to say,  "Do not be afraid (of the King of Babylon), of whom you are afraid, do not be afraid of him, says the Lord for I am with you, to save you and deliver you from his hand.  And I will show you mercy, that he may have mercy on you and cause you to return to your own land."
       I have definitely had a situation at work that makes me uncomfortable and even somewhat fearful at times but I know He will work it all out for good.  I just have to be patient and obedient in the process.  I have to work at my job with all my heart as working for the Lord, not for man because it is the Lord Jesus Christ I am serving. 
     This is only a small example of how God speaks to my heart.  I just try to keep my mind and ears open to Him and to read His word everyday so that I don't miss what He has to say!

Thankful for Grover Day 22

     Who wouldn't be thankful for this little face? 
 I am thankful for how much joy this dog brings to my daughter Faith,
who plays with him endlessly.  And I am always thankful for how Grover
 lets me know if someone is coming even if his bark drives me crazy!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Always so Thankful for my Family Day 21

     I am a few days behind on my writing but this week was Thanksgiving and I worked 4 days!  So between getting the house ready for the holiday, cooking and working I didn't blog as much.  But I am so thankful that I do have a huge family that all contributed to the meal.  Our day was amazing.  Gathering together in our kitchen that looked like a mini restaurant on Thanksgiving day was sweet. 
Almost all of us got to sit down at the same time save three of us who waited for a chair.  The children ran in and out of the house because it was such a mild, sunny day.  Ebby sat happily in her high chair for about an hour!  Freddy found a new friend in Brody!  Leah, Nolan and Jake got to catch up on news about old high school friends. Aunty Sue recorded much with her camera!  everyone exclaimed and pigged out over Allyn's amazing chocolate, peanut butter confection.   I enjoyed seeing everyone interacting and playing fisher price with the little ones.  After everyone left we enjoyed watching Chevy Chase's Christmas Vacation movie some football and a cheesy Hallmark movie!  Just a plain old good day!

                                             Of course the pictures tell a thousand words!

                                                       A happy baby at the end of the night!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thankful for my niece Kristy Day 20

     I am so thankful for my niece Kristy.  She was one that I babysat for as a teenager.  Now she is my friend.  Although we are far apart in age we seem to get closer as the years go on. It has been a joy to see her grow up, go to high shcool, college and get married.   Now that she has children of her own, Brady and Colby, it is my joy and pleasure to see her in the role of Mama!  And what a great Mom she is.  Now we have so much more in common.  Mama's share that special something only we know best!  And that is the complete, utter love of our children!
     I am glad I have been there with her as she raised Brady and while she was pregnant with Colby.  I even got to be in the delivery room when Colby was born!  That was pretty special!  When Brady was a baby, she always pumped milk for him because he wouldn't nurse.  I could not believe the dedication and love that it took for her to do that for a year!  She spends so much time with their boys and it shows.  They are polite, funny, talkative and so very smart!  Brady is 5 and can already read!  She plays games with them, reads, does crafts with them and is ever so patient!  Truly one of the best Mamas I know!  It is my joy to spend time watching her parent and love her family.  She is always thinking of others!  Gave my daughter Holly an amazing baby shower.  She thoughtfully made me copies workout tapes to use to train for the spartan race!  She makes amazing photo books for her Dad every Christmas.   She makes time for everyone in the family and her friends and is always thinking of ways to bless others.  She is something special.  And once again, I could continue on but will keep this short and sweet.  She is a special lady and so very loved by all of us and especially her Aunty Janet!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thankful for the chance to make Thanksgiving Dinner at my house Day 19

     Mama and Daddy always have the Thanksgiving dinner at their house.  For the last 22 years or so it has been at the barn.  It is always wonderful.  Things are getting harder for Mama now.  She is completely "with it" but physically she has had to slow down quite a bit.  I offered to cook dinner for the holiday this year.  Of course she said no!  But then a few days later, she surprised me.  She said she talked to Dad about it and he agreed to come to my house this year!  So for the first time, I get to cook!  Of course Mama is still bringing the pies ~apple, pumpkin and chocolate cream!  I will cook the turkey and stuffing and gravy and Sue will bring the vegetables!  It will be a team effort!!  The house will be very crowded.  We'll all have to eat in the kitchen because there is no dining room.  But it will be cozy and fun!  And hopefully my Mom can rest.  After all she has made Thanksgiving Dinner for the last 64 years or so! 

Thankful for my church Day 18

     Thankful for the church I go to.  Church of the Rock is in St Albans, Vermont.  It is where Paul and I have been going since Faith was born in 2001!  So grateful for every smiling face in there.  For Pastor Roland Ludlam who is blessed with the gift of teaching the word.  Who makes us laugh and instills the word of God in us and teaches us how to apply it to our lives!
     I love the music best of all!  To hear all the different members of the assembly praise God with their voices and instruments so blesses me!  It is ever changing!  I am also so thankful that it has been a place for my children to learn about you Lord.  In a fun and exciting way.  Can not even do it justice with my words.  But so very thankful you have brought us to that place.
     In case you want to hear a sample of our wonderful pastor, you can find it at this link.

Thankful for the Cutlass Day 17


  I drove home this afternoon and saw Paul out front showing his 1970 Oldsmobile Cutlass to a prospective buyer.  I couldn't help but be reminded of all the fun times we have had in that car!  We are trying to get rid of a few bills so we thought we would try to sell this "toy" of ours.  When we bought it a few years ago we were online looking for a reliable car for me to drive.  We saw this one and I kept saying I liked it, I wanted it.  Paul drove to Newport to check it out and sent me a two word text - "Oh Baby!"  I knew he liked it and it was in great shape.  So when we bought it, I told him I didn't really want to drive it.  I wanted him to have it.  This muscle car had his name written all over it!
     So he brought it to some car shows and kept it looking spiffy!  The funnest part of all though was just taking it for rides to get an ice cream or go out for dinner!  Fun to hear him rev it up!   And best of all when he would leave somewhere, burning the tires and making incredibly smelly smoke shows!  I would crack up laughing and so would Faith and Audrey!  He left some places with so much smoke we could barely see!  Once when we left his sister Ambers birthday party, she scooped up a softball sized piece of rubber from the tire marks he left in the street!  It is probably not the best environmentally friendly thing to do but boy, do the guys love it!  Many thumbs up and appreciative smiles for the old cutlass!
     Even if we do it sell it to keep up with the bills in this economy, we still have a ton of memories from it and there will be other cars!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thankful for my Washer and Dryer Day 16

     I am so thankful to have a laundry room!  When we worked on our house last year, we designated an extra bedroom as the new laundry room.  Installed new linoleum, shelving and washer dryer hookups!  So very thankful that I have this room now.  It is sunny and bright and warm!  It also holds a desk area where I can do my scrapbooking and be creative!  I do love that room and having clean clothes; even if they do come out looking like a twisted mess sometimes!

Thankful for my hairdresser Day 15

     So thankful that I have had the same hairdresser for the last 13 years!  Angel Larose is a great lady.  She always makes me feel welcome in her salon.  She cuts, colors and styles my hair beautifully.  She also usually throws in a free facial or makeup session.  She dyes and waxes my eyebrows and I always leave there feeling as pretty as a soap opera star!  So grateful for the fun talks we have and the sharing of family stories!  Thanks Angel!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thankful for Mousetrap Pediatrics Day 14

     Today I am thankful that when I called Mousetrap Pediatrics to get Faith an appointment, I did not have any trouble getting through on the phone line.  That in itself is unusual.  Often I have to be on hold for a while.  Today, we were able to get right in! Poor Faith had an infection, a cyst under her arm.  When we got there, Karen and Dr Chip brought us right in and got to work fixing Faifer up.  Poor kid had to have it lanced.  It was very painful but she was a trooper.  She did not shed a tear until we got into the car.  So very thankful for Dr Chip's kindness and gentleness.  Praying now, that the infection is not serious and that the antiobiotics work to heal her completely!

Thankful for my new car Day 13

     Paul came home from work early with a picture of a Dodge Avenger.  He said, come on, lets go pick up your new car!  So we drove to Burlington, to Goss Dodge where we checked out the Avenger.  However, there was a sweet looking black Chrysler 200 next to it just calling my name!  I took it for a test drive and really liked it!  So thats what we picked.  It's the newest car I have ever owned!  I surely am always grateful for what I drive.  Paul has always got us used cars that run fine!  But it was pretty exciting to get this new, shiny, elegant looking car!  I am so very thankful to have a dependable car to drive especially after having had so many transmission problems in the last month.
     Thank you for providing for this need of a car in our life Lord!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thankful for my son Jake Day 12

     Whenever anyone asks me how many children I have, I always say 5.  I gave birth to four but when Paul and I got together, I was privileged to gain another son.  Jacob was 11 when Paul and I met and moved in with us shortly after.  He is a brother to Nolan who otherwise would have only had sisters and an extra big "bubba" to my girls.

     Jake is light and laughter and funniness!  He is athletic, strong and loves to play.  He makes adventure out of the simplest things and even going for a run with him, you'll find him leaping fences, dodging obstacles and spinning in circles.  He loves the outdoors and especially snowboarding!

 He is creative, stubborn and a "bit" resistant to authority.   But he is, above all, loyal and a lover of family.  He has given us some rough times.  Some things have happened which maybe someday I could share here.   Definitely some challenges.  Not quite ready to divulge those secrets.  He and Faith have a special bond!  He takes her on hikes, bike rides and out for ice cream.  She so looks up to him and Nolan too. 

Jake and Nolan both showed up for Faith's play Saturday night with boquets of flowers for their little sister!  Boy was she thrilled! 
Jake has always jokingly called me "x-Mom".  One time, years ago, instead of saying step mom, he said x-mom.  He must have been thinking of x-wife because of the divorce.  Anyway, the term stuck.  I am Janet ~"X -Mom"!  Kind of funny.  Thanks Jake for all the joy you have brought to me.  I have two sons and three daughters and I am so very, very blessed!
Once again, I could go on and on about this boy of ours but this bragging X- mom will stop.

Our boys!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thankful for my lesson on driving a standard car Day 11

     Today, Paul drove me to Hannaford to pick up some groceries.  He then drove me to the school to drop off food for the food drive for victims of Hurricane Sandy.  Then he told me to get in the drivers seat to have a driving lesson.  You see, we have been having a multitude of car problems lately.  Truck is in the shop.  The car has transmission problems and I just borrowed my sisters Sues car, Thursday and that broke down too.  I could cry, but I guess I will laugh at the unfortunate circumstances until we buy a new one.   It has certainly been an interesting few weeks of break downs and rescues by my hunny. 
     He very patiently gave me a lesson on how to drive the one remaining car we have left to drive - a standard.   Many chuckles as I stopped, started, stalled, revved, and jerked my way around Enosburg Elementary School about 20 times.   I am learning.  It was very frustrating and not coming too easily for me.  But we kept on.  Clutch in, start, on clutch, on gas, off clutch on gas, go, clutch in brake, stop start, round and round.  I am sure Paul was dizzy and bored but He is a great teacher.  I'll keep trying till I get it right! Thanks for the lesson Hunny!

Thankful for my job! Day 10

     So thankful that I have a good job that I love.  I have worked as a dialysis technician for 15+ years.   Although sometimes I long to do something new or different I realize that there is great security there.  Good benefits, good pay and people who need me.   So grateful that I am comfortable and competent at what I do.  It has taught me not only professional skills but also people skills.  There are always lessons to be learned.  I am able to take care of the same people for sometimes years at a time.  I strive to always love each patient where they are at and make dialysis the most comfortable, painless and secure treatment possible.  Working with my husband is another bonus.  We work well together ~ a rare thing for most people I am sure.  We can drive in to work together, troubleshoot, complain, commiserate and be eachothers best confidantes!  We also have a lot of laughs.  So very thankful for him and my job!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Thankful for my daughter Faith Day 9

    My daughter Faith is 10 years old and has brought so much joy to Paul and I.  She has always been a busy girl.  Content with any kind of plaything, imaginative, athletic, sociable, and easy to get along with.  She makes friends easily.  She is sensitive to others moods and loves hugs, back scratches and foot rubs. I  certainly could go on and on about her! 
     Today we were especially blessed by watching her in her second play.  She played the Mad Hatter in the after school program play Dorothy meets Alice in Wonderland!  We ordered her costume on Friday and it hadn't arrived yet.  Faith was getting very worried.  However, it came today just in time.  They have been practicing for this play twice a week for 2 months.  She loved the idea of it but had many anxious evenings worrying and wondering if she was brave enough to perform.  She had many lines to memorize.  I helped her practice and was thrilled that she could remember them so well.  I coached her to speak loudly and encouraged her by telling her that she would bring so much joy to the people in the audience by being her funny, silly self.  Many nights we prayed for God to give her confidence to do the job well!
     I guess it worked because she wasn't nervous; she was excited about her costume arriving on time and she brought so much joy to me, Paul and the audience.  It was thrilling to see her acting confident and to hear the praise of other parents and friends!
Some of her lines:       Alice:  Excuse me, must you speak in rhyme? 
 Mad Hatter.  "All the time.  That's my speciality - riddles, reasons and rhymes. 
I also do jokes for special occasions. 
 I work hard at being a bard.  My card."
"I'm so mad I could tear a tomtit to tatters."
"I really need some tea.
  Even when I'm not mad, I need some tea. 
 But I'm always mad,
so I would always need some tea anyway, wouldn't I 
That's a riddle.  My special-tea!
"It's not part of my contract. 
 I do rhymes, reasons, riddles, occasional jokes and tea.
  That's it for me."
"He can join my tea party. 
That'll keep him awake. 
 Every time he starts to doze,
I'll pour tea upon his nose."

And she spoke  all with a British accent.  She was adorable and clever and I guess I'll stop bragging now!
Anyway, so thankful for this special daughter of mine as I am so thankful for each of my children and their unique personalities!
"Behold children are a heritage from the Lord. 
The fruit of the womb is a reward. 
 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
so are the children of ones youth. 
 Happy is the man who has a quiver full of them,
 they shall not be ashamed. 
 Psalm 127:3-5
I certainly am blessed and happy because of my children.


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thankful for my Lord Day 8

     Today, I am thankful that the Lord has chosen me to be his daughter.  That He has my name engraved on His hand.

He says in Isaiah ~ "Yet I will not forget you.
See, I have inscribed you on the palms of MY hands."

 That He has forgiven me and clothed me with righteousness.  That I can come to Him with all of my needs, big and small.  With all of my thankfulness.  With all of my worries and concerns.  And especially that I can intercede for my loved ones, by placing their needs in your hands Lord.
To be held by YOU, by YOUR hands is all that I could ask for.  Thank You Heavenly Father!
Love your daughter, Janet

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Thankful for America and the right to Vote Day 7

     Today I am thankful for so many things.  This exercise is wonderful because God has commanded us to give thanks in all things. I have only to look around me and see what I have been blessed with.  I read once that ~ "A single grateful thought toward heaven is the most complete prayer!"  How true this is. So this is a continuous prayer of thanks to you Lord.
     Today, I was able to go downtown to vote in the election. This is a right and a privilege.   I am so very proud to be an American, the daughter of a Marine who served and still serves our country faithfully.  I am also the mother of a son who serves in the Air National Guard!  He joined at the age of 17 and has grown up to be a responsible, strong, capable man!  For this I am proud and thankful!

"Be joyful always, pray continually. 
 Give thanks in all circumstances. 
 For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 
 1 Thessalonians 5:16

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful for our Home Day 6

     Enjoying the day off today.  The kids are at school.  Paul is at work.  I enjoy the quiet morning when I can have time to do my devotions and spend time in prayer.  Putter around, putting things in  place and cleaning my newly remodeled kitchen.  It is cozy and warm with the pellet stove going while outside it is spitting snow.  Maybe I'll change the curtains, rearrange photos, do some scrapbooking.  Plan dinner, exercise or maybe bake something.  The day is mine and I so enjoy making this house a home for my family.
Thankful for my cozy home!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful for a beautiful run on a fall afternoon Day 5

     A very busy weekend.  Driving to Massachusetts and attending Aunt Adelines wake and funeral.  Saturday afternoon, I was so grateful to have a little down time.   I spent a while running and soaking up the sun on a beautiful fall afternoon.   Just running down the back roads of Middleboro brings me back to so many memories.   The smells of Fall, the pine trees, the Fall decorations all bringing me to another time and place.  How far I have come to a new life in Vermont.  Grateful for the time and experiences in both places and wondering where the Lord will lead me next.  I was reminded of this verse.

"For I know the plans I have for you,
 plans to prosper you not to harm you,
 plans to give you a hope and a future." 
Jeremiah 29:11
So whether I am here in Vermont or there in Mass, God is directing my path so I do not worry!  Although I do get curious....

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful for Time With Family Day 4

     Today I am thankful for this ride to Massachusetts with my sister and my Mom.  Although we are traveling down to a funeral for my Aunt Adeline who just passed, I am still happy to be spending time together. We spent the drive listening to talk radio;  Rush Limbaugh and Dennis Miller.  Current issues of Hurricane Sandy and the upcoming election between Obama and Romney.  Laughing at Rush's precise imitations of Bill Clinton and their witty, cutting humor!  We stopped at Burger King and laughed our heads off as we attempted to get drinks from a new fangled soda machine, discussed Mama's optometry appointment and talked to a paper cup.  (you had to be there)
      Anticipating which family members would be at the wake and trying to remember who is married to who so we didn't make any mistakes.  Yes, it is hard to say goodbye to a loved one but it is in gathering together that we can reminisce and make the time easier for all.
     We had a safe ride to Mass and I am thankful for that too.  We got to see cousins, Aunts, Uncles and friends we haven't seen in so long.  We caught up and laughed and hugged!
    Seeing everyone also gives me insight into each ones lives.  Now I can intercede and pray for those in my family who need you Jesus!  Blessings and new beginnings to those in the Pearce family who have lost their Mom, Adeline.  May you be doing a mighty work there Lord!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful that my husband can fix things Day 3

     So Paul and I went to pick up my "fixed car" from the shop on Wednesday.  However, it wasn't quite fixed.  The car wouldn't go into gear and would only start while in neutral.  It's a long story but somehow we got it home with many stops and starts.  Me driving and he following behind in his Hyandui.  The awesome part about it is that Paul is so unbelievable patient while he troubleshoots, fixes and attends to me.  He explains how to do everything and tries his best to stay positive.  We had to stop and buy transmission fluid, test drive and continue on our journey.  I am so thankful thant through the pain in the neck process, he makes it so much more bearable.  
     So this morning when I was driving to work and had more trouble, he was the first person I called and of course, he had the answers and the help I needed.  Too long of a story but I guess I am thankful when things break cuz then I can admire Paul's ability to fix it!

Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...