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Friday, October 21, 2011

Photo Card

Swiss Dots Lilac Baby Announcements
Announcements for every life event: graduation, wedding & baby.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Worthy am I ( a prayer)

Worthy am I 
I am redeemed 
My heart is His
And His alone
I seek to satisfy
Through many means
People, circumstances
Doing what Matters
But none suffice
I must look beyond self
Only at Him
Read His Word
Commit truth to mind and memory
Speak it out loud
I do matter
In His eyes
I am complete already
When will this sink in?
When will I believe it
All the way
Deep down inside?
The work is done
Trust that
Know that
Live that
This is all I ask
That this truth would flow out of me
And others may want the same
As I look at the gifts all around me and realize how truly blessed I am I finally realize, deep down inside just how much I am loved by my Father in Heaven.  May each of these children, Nolan, Jacob, Holly, Audrey  Faith,  Ebonie and Adam be blessed with a knowledge of this that will reach to many generations!

And may my husband and I continue to draw close to You Jesus and lead these children in your way!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Janet will you play with me?

     I spend most of my time, either working or seeing to the needs of my family.  Today was no different.  I got to sleep til 8:30 am.  Had breakfast with my husband and Faith and Noah.  Did a little housework, visited with my Mom when she dropped by.  Talked on the phone with my niece to catch up a little.  Then went for a little run/ walk by myself.  Grover, the dog wanted to join me but usually he drags me along cuz he goes so fast so I left him at home!  Yes, I felt a little guilty when he whined at the door but I gotta have some time to myself...

     When I got home I made lunch for the family and we spent time at the table, talking and laughing.  Just taking our time.  That's the nice thing about Saturdays.  No schedule, no rush.

     Then we all got ready to go to Franklin County Field Days.  We had a great time, eating ice cream, riding on the rides, seeing the animals.  It was hot, standing in those long lines waiting our turn on the Gravitron and the Himalaya!  But Paul and I were patient, letting the kids have their fun!

We got home and took out a bag of chex mix, and cooked up some hot dogs.  We sat on the deck enjoying the coolness of the evening.  The kids lined up the chex mix according to what kind  they liked best.  We shared some with Grover and had lots of good conversation.  Noah called his other Nana on the phone and had a good conversation with his brothers and sister.
     Then Faith and Noah took turns running around the house while I timed them with the second hand on my watch.   In my mind, this is a good quality day with plenty of quality time with the kids.  Being together and talking and playing together.  So it was really funny, when Noah finished his last lap around the house and said, "Janet, will you play with me?  I'm not sure but I think I already spent the day playing!  Didn't I?
I love you my precious family!!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

God Answers Prayers in Unexpected Ways

     Recently I posted on Facebook that God answers prayers in unexpected ways.  A few of you commented that you wanted to know in what way.  I wrote that because I want to give glory to God and be a witness.  To get people to think.  To get people to consider God as the answer if they don't already do that.  Because for me He is the Answer and the Way and the One I count on so completely in my life.  It has been that way for most of my life and I feel fortunate that He has given me eyes to see Him and a spirit to sense Him.
     Anyway, as you know we have been taking care of our grandson for the last few months.  At the end of the school year, he was still going to school in Milton.  A 31 mile drive from little old Enosburg.  So everyday, Paul or I drove him to school and picked him up for about 6 weeks.  It was a busy time and a lot of miles.  But as you know, you do what you gotta do and he was able to finish out his kindergarden time at his own school.
     Months ago I had been praying about a certain bill that had to paid.  It was weighing on me heavily.  I wanted to be able to pay it off quickly but other things got in the way.  It was to the school, The Fold where I had sent Holly to school for a year.  It is a private Christian organization which helps trouble teens.  They did so much for my daughter and I will be forever grateful to them.  So it was important to me to pay this bill off more quickly.  I wrote the amount on a paper and sat before the Lord in prayer.  I said,  "Lord I cannot pay this bill off but You can, so in whatever way you could help me do this please pay this bill." 
      I left it at that.  3 months later, Paul and I get a check in the mail from the state for all the mileage we had put on driving Noah to school all those days.  It was almost the same amount as the bill that needed to be paid.  So that was my answer to prayer!  I am so grateful to God for providing that for us!  It certainly did not occur to me while I was bringing him to school all those days that it was an answer to prayer.  God is good!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Paul Wheels Wells

     My husband is a car guy.  He is a motor guy.  A fix it guy.  An I like anything with wheels kind of guy.  He is a do it yourself  guy.  And he is not a procrastinator.  He starts a project and he finishes it.  All in a timely manner.  Just one of the things I love about him.  I remember when I first met him.  He would do things for me.  I had a broken light fixture in my bathroom and so I had put a lamp up on shelf to use instead.  Not very convenient or safe.  He came along and fixed the wires to the fixture and tada! let there be light.  I think that is when I fell in love with him. 
     Or maybe it was when I came home from work one day and found that he had laid fresh gravel in my driveway.  The lines were perfectly straight and he had posted a sign which read, "Mama's Parking Only."  Just another one of many little things.  He always said to me I love you so much, or "SMUCH."  I came home to find a rock painted and laid by the door, with the words, So much painted on it.  It's the little things and there are always so many of them living with Paul.
     Another time I was going through a rough time and I was having a lot of anxiety attacks.  He showed up after work and told me to open the trunk of the car.  Inside he had loaded with antique fisher price toys which he had found at a yard sale.  Wow, I was so touched and distracted from my anxiety for a little while.

      Two years ago, I pulled into the driveway and he was standing beside something with a blanket over it.  He told me to close my eyes and then he revealed a bananna seat bike which he had completely restored and painted red, white and blue!  I love surprises and this guy is always surprising me!

     Prayers to you my hunny and may God bless you and heal you!!
Love me

Thursday, June 9, 2011

A poem for my Dad

I wrote this poem in 2011 for Dad.  thought it was worth sharing again.  I miss him so much.
But I know he is in heaven with his Heavenly Father and that is a comfort.  Look at that smile!

 To describe you in words Dad, is something I've always wanted to do.
To paint a picture of the great things God has created in you.

You are Strong
You are Proud
You are honest and true.
You stand up for your rights and the
rights of all those around you.

When people ask what nationality you are from
You calmly and politely say, 
I am an American!

A Marine you were and 
always will be
The USA is your country 
to which you show your loyalty
Your favorite colors are
red, white and blue
The flag waves outside the 
Ever before you

You are a voracious
and filled with facts
History, gardening
and political stats!

You are smart and 
bright and always
ready to state
Your opinion on the

Sometimes we'll find you
in your chair
taking a snooze,
Most often it's watching
the evening news
Or at your computer
checking to see
all the e-mails from your family

You like hot chocolate sauce, oreos,
cheezits and cake
Marching bands, parades
and especially
Christmas Day

Coffee and donuts,
toast and tea
peanut butter crackers are a necessity!

It seems that you are forever hungry and saying:
Grandma, feed me!

(not too thrilled with his gift!)

Things you have done for me

I've been hungry at work 
and you brought me a sub
Had a flat tiire on the highway and you came to pick me up
Water in the basement,

you're there with a wrench!
frozen pipes,
It's a cinch.
For you that is...

Bats in the belfry 
and you showed up with a broom
ou Daddy!

when rats were near, 
you showed up with a spear!
(that is no lie!)
You were my hero 
Anytime of the year!

You gave me away at my wedding
with a kiss and a smile
And here is when I was filled with pride

You gifted me with money
when I was broke
Gave chocolates and oreos
And made me laugh with your jokes!
I'm getting off track here,
this poem is about you
But I just had to brag 
about all the things that you would do.
You gave to all with generosity
and good cheer. 
All nine of would rely on you
whether you were far or near!
Your family was simple
It started with two
It was only Mama and you!

But as the years went by 
It grew and it grew!
Six girls and three boys
and then came some more
Until you had grandchildren galore!

They went to the barn to visit and eat
You patiently carved the ham and roast beef!
Your home was filled 
with oh so much love
You know now
It was a gift from above.

God looked upon you and said with a smile

I think I'll bless Freddy
for a good long while!

You loved each grandchild
Every girl and boy.
You celebrated each birthday with clapping and joy
How many pictures I have of you 
at Celebrations...
Looking intently at the Birthday Child with great expectation!
These pictures I will cherish of you
with my children
Cuz I know how you loved
 them all beyond reason!

I truly cannot put into words, the depth of my fathers character. 
 What a good man!  I miss him so much!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Humbleness ~ Humility 1

     HUMBLE   I have this word on my mind alot lately.  God wants me to stand up, be obedient and be humble.  These are the three things he has been speaking to me about.   My new quest is to understand this word which God has spoken to me in my personal bible study this week. 
     Be humble  - my first thought in defining this word is:
To not think too highly of myself or should I say think of others before myself
To not look for praise from others
To keep myself from bragging or drawing attention to myself
To give all glory to Him
     Webster defines humbleness as:  having or showing feelings of humility rather than of pride, aware of ones shortcomings, modest, meek.
2.  showing deferential respect
3.  lacking high social status.  lowly unpretentious:  a humble cottage
Humility means the quality or condition of being humble, lack of pride, modesty
Phillipians 2:5-7 says this about humbleness and as I explore the word I am sure to find the answers I seek.. "let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God but made himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bondservant and coming in the likeness of men.  And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross."
     First I learn that I need to be like Jesus and to strive for this at all times.  Luckily I have the holy spirit working within me and I can do this on His strength. He was a servant.  I must serve as he did and forget about getting recognition for things.  Because isn't that one of the things I crave?  Yes, deep down I want to be noticed.  I struggle with the desire to "do"  something important or to get the praise from people around me.  It might not appear so but inside I compare myself to others and wish I had more apparent giftings.  I know that God doesn't want them from me.  He wants me to be humble.  Until He works that character flaw out of me, I won't be complete.
       I must trust that I am exactly the way He made me for a reason.  To serve him, I must do the tasks he puts in front of me.  In this way, I will be in His will.

Robins Egg Blue

                       Every spring I look forward to finding where the robin will build her nest in our yard. 
 One year it was on the lampost on our covered front porch. 
 Last year it was in the evergreen bush in front of our house. 
For two years straight it was actually in our canoe
which we store over the clothes line, upside down! 
What a delight to discover the robin, once the snow melts,
 hopping about the yard with bits of sticks and string in her beak. 
This year I was surprised to find the nest by accident. 
  I walked into the shed to get my garden tools.

Here Paul stored our little Christmas tree to dry it out for a bonfire.
      The sound of fluttering wings startled me.  A robin flew out the window and I knew his nest was in there somewhere.

Can you see it yet?
Sweet little nest~ Theres nothing quite like this robins egg blue!

3 little eggs!  usually there are 4.  I hope they are protected enough out here!

I look forward to watching the results as Mama and Daddy welcome their babies into the world!  Another gift of nature that God gives to us!

So here is number 4, it arrived today!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Mill Pond Exploration


     My sister took me bird watching today.  She even let me borrow some of her mud boots.  They worked pretty well except for the duct taped area where a little water snuck in.  The first thing we saw was this goose.

         These two made quite a racket when they saw us in the woods; probably protecting some babies!

  Probably too busy looking at the shapes of the trees and the plant life all around.  But I did spot a few bird nests.  Not sure if that counts for anything.
This nest was humongous!  Probably for a teradactyl!

Then Susan spotted a Heron but I was too busy looking at this log so I missed it.  
Darn!  It is a pretty shade of green though isn't it?

This little baby fern must be a shady tree for a fairy!
Mill Pond in Franklin Vermont

It appears that this Mama duck is protecting her nest.

This was a magnificent Hawk that Susan spotted just as we were driving away! 
 He is so proud!

 The splendor of GOD'S Creation is everywhere I look.  In every nook and cranny of my little world in the Champlain Valley, I marvel at the beauty!  How does He do it?
   As His word says, even the rocks cry out!  The woods, the plants, flowers, even the leaves and broken branches on the ground are all a display of His handiwork!  Thank you Lord for the gift of your beautiful countryside today!
Love your daughter Janet

Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...