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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Janet will you play with me?

     I spend most of my time, either working or seeing to the needs of my family.  Today was no different.  I got to sleep til 8:30 am.  Had breakfast with my husband and Faith and Noah.  Did a little housework, visited with my Mom when she dropped by.  Talked on the phone with my niece to catch up a little.  Then went for a little run/ walk by myself.  Grover, the dog wanted to join me but usually he drags me along cuz he goes so fast so I left him at home!  Yes, I felt a little guilty when he whined at the door but I gotta have some time to myself...

     When I got home I made lunch for the family and we spent time at the table, talking and laughing.  Just taking our time.  That's the nice thing about Saturdays.  No schedule, no rush.

     Then we all got ready to go to Franklin County Field Days.  We had a great time, eating ice cream, riding on the rides, seeing the animals.  It was hot, standing in those long lines waiting our turn on the Gravitron and the Himalaya!  But Paul and I were patient, letting the kids have their fun!

We got home and took out a bag of chex mix, and cooked up some hot dogs.  We sat on the deck enjoying the coolness of the evening.  The kids lined up the chex mix according to what kind  they liked best.  We shared some with Grover and had lots of good conversation.  Noah called his other Nana on the phone and had a good conversation with his brothers and sister.
     Then Faith and Noah took turns running around the house while I timed them with the second hand on my watch.   In my mind, this is a good quality day with plenty of quality time with the kids.  Being together and talking and playing together.  So it was really funny, when Noah finished his last lap around the house and said, "Janet, will you play with me?  I'm not sure but I think I already spent the day playing!  Didn't I?
I love you my precious family!!

1 comment:

  1. I will never understand how it is that children get the energy and we, as we age, lose some...

    This was a great post, glad you shared it, Janet. We couldn't make it to the Field Days this year :( What a terrible time to have a back strain, although, it made it easier to stay home because we didn't have the money to go anyway.

    I pictured Grover wanting to go with you ;) He's such a cutie.


Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...