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Monday, October 19, 2020

Pumpkin Time

Pumpkin Carving Time!  October in North Carolina is quite different from Vermont but we can still carve pumpkins!  I found some good size ones at the LIDL store for only $1.99! Faith's best friend since  kindergarten is here to visit so it made it all the more special.  A nice time spent with my girls!

As we gathered up our pumpkins from the front porch we found that this one had a critter on it!

We looked up ideas on Pinterest for what to carve.

Oooh, gooey, messy job cleaning out the pumpkins.

Designing the faces with a sharpie!

Looking good Gabby!
I did the simplest design that I could find.  
A little house with a door for my lil Indian.

Faith carved half a face because it was getting too dark to see.  I
I like the look of it.

A spooky spider made it's home in the front door!  

Fitting for the season.

 Checking out the spider!

Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...