Check out Wells Wheels on ETSY

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Exploring in the woods of Franklin, Vermont

Today, I went snowshoeing in the woods behind my Dad's house in Franklin.  I was with my sister Susan and her dog Jack and Faith.  Faith didn't have any snow shoes but she did fine.  We wanted to see what we could see.
Looky what we found.

An old car in the woods surrounded by various garden tools tractors and piles of old glass bottles.

Just trying out my new ride.

One tractor had been there so long, that a tree grew right up around it.  It looked kinda cool.

  It was so beautiful and the snow wasn't that deep anymore  so it was really easy walking through it.  We didn't find as many animal tracks as we did the last time we went but we did find some possible animal caves.
Anybody home?
It's never boring when you're exploring!
Faith is looking a little nervous!
Don't worry Faith, the bears are hibernating....
somewhere else..
This tree was neat.  All I could imagine here was a giant, with big knees.  :)
 So it was a fun adventure walking in the woods with my family.  We never know what we are going to find.  I can't wait til our next trip!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

All About Grandma

     I am so excited.  My sister told me about this website called Bookemon where you can write, illustrate and publish your own book.  So for me who has yet to become a published author, I can at least use this tool and get it done by myself.  So I had a good time writing a poem about my Mama.  Typed it out on Bookemon and added some fun cartoon illustrations.  Enjoy!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Winter in Vermont

     Wow, what a winter.  I have lived in Vermont since January of 1997 and it seems like this year, it never ends, theres never been so much snow and that it's never been quite so cold.  But maybe I say that every year?  In any case it has been a long one for me.  I venture outside a lot more this year, snow shoeing in the woods and on the golf course, plenty of shoveling and looking for photo opportunities.

     Grover has been a great motivator.  Just seeing his hopeful face and tail wagging when he sees me putting my boots on forces me to brave the cold!

Faith loves playing in the snow even though sometimes it was too darn cold!  But who can resist it when the snow is waist high in the backyard and there are piles as high as the house!

     We didn't get to do as much snowmobiling this year.  Paul's skidoo broke down back in December and then when he was driving mine he was going so fast that he blew a piston on Christmas day.  So we finally had them all fixed and ready to go by February!  Luckily theres still plenty of snow left to sled on!

     All we have to do is check out our snowometer at our living room window.  It lets us know how many snowmobile rides we have left this winter.  

                  As you can see by looking at the picture we have plenty of winter fun still ahead of us!
Even though I am not the biggest fan of winter, I still look at the beauty of the whiteness and creation all around me and marvel at my God who made it all!  It is a wonderful display of his artistry~his masterpiece!

Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...