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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thankful for Mama and Daddy ~Day 2


  I am so thankful for my parents.   I am 47 years old and still, my Daddy is my Daddy and my Mama is my Mama.  Always there for me, always consistent in the way they treat others, always giving their best and being true to themselves and their values.  Family first, Patriotic, American through and through, lover of a good laugh, sarcastic, tough, smart, voracious reader and so strong are just a few words to describe my Daddy.  Gentle, funny, strong, good cook, reader, sewer, faithful to God and family, silly, funny, capable and joyful are only a few of Mama's qualities. Daddy is 85 and Mama 82 and thankfully they are in pretty good health.  In July they celebrated their 62 years anniversary!

    Here is a poem that my niece Kelly St Cyr wrote describing a Sunday at Grandma and Grandpa's Barn
Cars pile up
Outside the old converted barn in Franklin, Vermont
For Sunday dinner at Gramma's
The gas stove ticks, and we know it won't be long.
Gramma is reheating dinner for probably the third time today.
There are three generations here, so we eat in shifts
The littlest ones play on the linoleum with yard sale specials,
plastic ponies and cars, The Little People collection, and a barbie if they're lucky.
Banter is thick with Boston accents among adult siblings
Perched on mismatched stools and benches around the old pine table
covered with holiday placemats and
enough sets of salt and pepper shakers for each of us to have our own.
Salivating carnivores with shiny chins and forkless fingers
grab roast beef, ham and all the fixings.
We're parched until our plates are clean
and glasses of milk and homemade pies (5 to choose from) are granted.
Clean up lasts for hours
I've never seen my gramma sit
or eat a whole meal - she says she'll heave.
She sends us home with leftovers
stored in styrofoam meat trays and cakes
with frosting smeared to the saran wrap.
Not before reminding us to zip our jackets and cover our ears
or we'll get the flu, and to be there at 11 am
next Sunday.
For dinner
     I have always loved this poem that Kelly wrote because every word brings to mind the feelings and emotions of HOME.   Mom and Dad continue to live and love family in all ways.  They teach us values and the true meaning of family.  In honor of them and for all they do, I love you Mama.  I love you Daddy!
Janet :)
My Daddy

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thankful for the Moon

"When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,  The moon and the stars, which you have ordained,  What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man, that you visit him?  For you have made him a little lower than the angels, and you have crowned him with glory and honor."  Psalm 8: 3-5
     I would like to blog 365 days of Thankfulness starting today.  This will take real discipline.  Some may be long and some may be short but I will make the effort.  Today I am so thankful for being home and safe.  Considering the fact that most of the Eastern seaboard has been hit by the huge storm, Hurricane Sandy.  So much devastation in so many places.  I am in complete awe by how calm it is here in Northern Vermont.  The temperature is 60 degrees and my windows are open.  Thank you God!
    Saturday night, we were home.  Ann visited from Massachusetts and Sue and Dan also came over.  I made stuffed shells and chicken parmesan!  Then we all went outside and had a bonfire.  It felt like a summer night!   About 60 degrees, calm, almost balmy out!  We had so many laughs and a beautiful almost full moon!
 Probably our last bonfire of the season!

So very thankful for my children, my husband,  my sisters who are also my best friends and the beautiful Vermont night!!

Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...