I wanted to record a personal story of when Paul and I led a friend to salvation in Christ recently. I am not sure if he wants his name here on my blog but, ~ maybe! I'll ask him. But for now, I will just write about it. And some day if he is feeling lost, or worried or maybe just needs a reminder of that moment, it will be recorded here for him to read.
Paul and I were watching the History channel one evening shortly after Christmas. It was about the life of Jesus. My daughter Audrey and her friend came in and sat down in the living room with us. Of course, he ( I'll refer to him as D) started to pay attention to the show and began asking questions. I wish now I could remember what exactly he asked but suffice it to say that he asked enough of them for us to pause the show to start answering them. His enthusiasm to understand our faith in Jesus and why we believe in Him was great!~ Paul began to talk and one thing he said was that he wanted to spend eternity in heaven. D asked if we believed in hell. We told him yes but that "Whoever calls upon the name of Jesus would be saved." He immediately responded by saying, "I don't want to go to hell!" "Well then, why don't we pray together right now so that you can be reassured that you will spend heaven for eternity with Jesus." responded Paul. So we gathered around his chair in the living room. Paul began praying. He said something and told D to repeat after him. It was a little awkward at first which just goes to show that we need to spend more time doing this kind of praying. But it went something like this.
Dear Lord, thank you that you came to earth as a child. Thank you that you died on a cross to save me from my sins. I believe that you did this for me. I think Paul paused for a moment and I remembered the acronmy: A ~ Admit you are a sinner and you need a savior
B ~ Believe on the name of the Lord Jesus and that he died for me
C ~ Commit your life to Him
So I started praying with him too. "I ask you to come into my heart and help me live for you and I commit my life to you so that I can spend eternity in heaven with you." All these words are not exact but the prayer was prayed with a sincere heart. And it was as simple as that. We said Amen together. D expressed how good he felt after. What a joyous moment!
I rejoice in the fact that D has accepted the gift of salvation. I will continue to pray that he will grow in you. I gave him a Bible and the book The Purpose Driven Life. I pray that he will read these and draw ever closer to the Father. I will pray that God will guide and direct his path. D, know that "He will never leave you or forsake you." Joshua 1:5 even if you walk away the Bible says this in 2 Timothy 2:11 "For if we died with Him
We shall also live with Him.
If we endure,
We shall also reign with Him,
If we deny Him,
He also will deny us.
If we are faithless,
He remains faithful;
He cannot deny Himself."
All I can say is Wow! God's character is such that He is so loyal, so faithful, so loving towards us that even when we do wrong or avoid Him or think He doesn't care, we can rest and be reassured that His nature will not allow Him to be anything but loving towards us. Thank you for this Lord.
My responsibility is to keep praying for you to work in D's life Lord and so I shall.
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