For the last year I have found myself drawn to rocks, ledges, stone walls, pictures of castles, stained glass. Actually anything that had to do with castles. I love them. They represent strength, fortitude, things that last, protection, royalty. I kept questioning it and wondering why I was suddenly so attracted to them. I went to a conference on prophesy and learned that when God starts showing you things like this; Pay attention! He is talking to you! Not in a burning bush but in a quiet way as only the holy spirit can do.
So I paid attention. I put lots of rocks in my garden to remind me of Gods strength. My sister found me a lego castle at a yard sale which my step son Adam put together for me. Another reminder. I keep on my desk. Even hot glued it together so the kids can't take it apart. Stronger that way.

And of course I began to write down verses that spoke of rocks. Here is one of my favorites.
2 Samuel 22:2 "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior." I've had dreams of being in castle like structures. He says in Numbers 12:6 "I reveal myself to him in visions. I speak to him in dreams." So I write the dreams down. I pay attention. I don't want to miss a thing that he reveals to me.
Well, kings live in castles and I am the daughter of a King. So maybe God just wants me to keep that in my mind. All things that have to do with a King. He gave me the poem to write. He encouraged me to name my blog that. Maybe He wants me to let others know that they are royalty too. They just need to call upon the name of the Lord Jesus and they will be saved. You too are sons and daughters of a king. Claim your inheritance!
" Look to the ROCK from which your were cut and to the quarry from which you were hewn." Isaiah51:1