Do you wonder?
I wonder...
Seek Him
Do you hope?
I hope
Hope in HIM!
Do you yearn?
I yearn
Find fulfillment in HIM!
Would you like to?
I'd like to
Believe in HIM!
What if...
I question...Will He?
HE Will!
What if He's real?
Could He be Real?...
Do you Need?
I need
Do you want?
I want
Do you lack?
I lack
Is it possible?
Possible to?...
If you could...
What if I could?...
Ask Him to Love Me?
Can you be sure?
I'd like to be sure
HE will forgive me!
Can you trust?
I need someone to trust
Can you be sure?
I'd like to be sure...
Check out Wells Wheels on ETSY
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Where I'm meant to be!
We've had our house on the market for almost a year now. Wanting to move closer to work, friends and other activities. Maybe save some money on gas and get more involved with the groups at Church of the Rock. I have prayed many times for the house to sell but always asking for God's will in the situation and not mine. I think I know what I want for convenience sake. I think I'd like a home thats newer and needs less upkeep and repair. To be able to get to Burlington quicker. To get the kids to movies, youth group, the mall without the hour long drive.
A view from our living room window.
But sometimes God's answer is not what we think we want. Sometimes the answer is NO. Maybe HE wants the Wells/Parker family to be in Enosburg Falls a little longer. For what reasons? I don't know, but he knows because he says in his word that: "He knows the plans he has for us, plans to prosper us and not to harm us. Plans for a hope and a future. In Acts 17:26-28 it says "From one man God made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the EXACT places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though he is not far from each one of us. For in Him, we live and move and have our being."
So, where I am in my little world of Enosburg Falls, Vermont is exactly where God has place me and my family. Me, here in this little town, working in dialysis is the the place that He has placed me. For His reasons, to do His work through me. I am His vessel. So even when I want to change or move or live in a different place, it is ultimately up to Him. Here I am, seeking Him and in His will and in His word until He shows me otherwise. And if He wants me to change, He will gently nudge me in the direction He wants me to go.
My job is to live life to the fullest and pray for all those around me. Especially for those who do not know Him. For me to show His love to all those around me. For me to be an example to people, so that they too will reach out to the Almighty Father! So if you're wondering if you are in the right place, just ask. He will gently guide you and give you a feeling of peace if you are!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Your Will: Instructions for life!
I wrote this poem a few years ago and as I did my devotions this morning I was praying. I love to pray for family and friends. It is a privilege to lay them all at your feet Lord. Sometimes I focus so much on the problems and stuff of this world that I forget HIM. I list them all and worry and ask you to heal them but what I need to do is get back to basics. I need to focus on all the wonderful attributes of God. I remembered the words specifically, what is your will? Let me concentrate on YOUR goodness, that goodness may flow out of me. HE is good, HE is compassionate, He understands that pain you are going through today. Whether it is the pain of some physical ailment, the lack of money to pay bills, the loss of someone you really loved. Don't you realize that HE is aware? I was reminded of that today. HE is merciful, Mighty Counselor, Prince of Peace. HE is I AM! HE knows! Focus on that!~
Be Joyful Always
Pray Continually
Give thanks in all circumstances.
For this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus
1 Thessalonians 5:16
I love this verse and it inspired this poem>
What is your will God?
This is your will
Fill me with joy
Fill me with peace
Let me concentrate on your
That Goodness will flow out of me
Let me concentrate on your love
That peace may dwell in my heart
Let me thank you for every gift of life
Large and small
That I may have a grateful heart
This is your will
This is your will
Let me lift up in prayer my loved ones
For protection, for needs and all
Let me thank you always for them
This is your will for me
Fill me with Joy
How Lord?
Sing to you in my heart?
Look at the sun
The mountains around me
Feel the joy in that
Fill me with Joy
How Lord?
Look at the Sun
"My morning star"
It is in the face of my child
The grass beneath my feet
The sand upon the Beach
The robins in my yard
The gifts they do abound.
Fill me with Joy
How Lord?
Think upon these things
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Nature Trail Enosburg Vermont
Sunday afternoon was overcast and drizzly. We left Grandma's house after having our chicken dinner. Yummy as always. The girls wanted to "do" something. Of course not enough money for the movies. How about a hike?
Faith had been asking me to bring her out on the new nature trail that had been created across the street from the Elementary school. Audrey wasn't too thrilled but she agreed to join Faith and I. Holly chose to stay home. It was a nice little adventure. Hiking along; our sneakers were very quickly soaked through in the wet grass. Grover's whiskers were wet and drippy but he happily bounded along the grassy trail. He looks like a bunny bouncing along!
The girls were grumpy and arguing at first but soon got into the groove and began running ahead to see what was next around each bend in the path. There is a story book about a beaver and a moose, with pages posted a long the way. They read the story as we went along.
Soon we heard lots of noise and when we came upon the river, we found hundreds of geese swimming and honking happily. When they heard our voices they quickly started flapping and rose up into the air. What a fuss they made! A sight to see. I didn't even take a picture cause they were to fascinating to watch.
Then we discovered wildflowers. Tall, tall yellow wildflowers. Audrey went to pick one and pulled it right out of the ground roots and all. Faith pouted because her flowers stem wasn't quite as long as Audreys. She gets mad but gets over it quite quickly.
LOVE THIS TREE! The best part though was along the end of the trail where we found some very large and unusually shaped maple trees. They had low branches that were easy to climb upon and soon all three of us were crawling along the branches. So that was our little Sunday adventure. We were wet and tired but we got a lot of great pictures.
Faith had been asking me to bring her out on the new nature trail that had been created across the street from the Elementary school. Audrey wasn't too thrilled but she agreed to join Faith and I. Holly chose to stay home. It was a nice little adventure. Hiking along; our sneakers were very quickly soaked through in the wet grass. Grover's whiskers were wet and drippy but he happily bounded along the grassy trail. He looks like a bunny bouncing along!
The girls were grumpy and arguing at first but soon got into the groove and began running ahead to see what was next around each bend in the path. There is a story book about a beaver and a moose, with pages posted a long the way. They read the story as we went along.
Soon we heard lots of noise and when we came upon the river, we found hundreds of geese swimming and honking happily. When they heard our voices they quickly started flapping and rose up into the air. What a fuss they made! A sight to see. I didn't even take a picture cause they were to fascinating to watch.
Then we discovered wildflowers. Tall, tall yellow wildflowers. Audrey went to pick one and pulled it right out of the ground roots and all. Faith pouted because her flowers stem wasn't quite as long as Audreys. She gets mad but gets over it quite quickly.
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