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Tuesday, July 24, 2018

A letter that Daddy wrote, memories from WW2


   A letter written to my nephew Billy from my father, Frederic J FitzSimmons.  This letter is a treasure because Daddy did not share about his experiences during the war.  He really never talked about it to us children.    So this letter gives a small taste of what he did when he was overseas. 
I have been wanting to type it out and get a real feel for what he went through in this story he tells.
Franklin, VT

Dear Bill
     I left off where the Japs surrendered - Guys who had been overseas the longest were sent back to the States right away.  Rest of us were assembled as the 1st Battalion - 3rd Marine regiment.  There were twenty thousand Japs on ChiChi Jima who had to be repatriated to Japan.  We boarded a LST ( landing ship tanks ) in Apra Harbor Guam and sailed North - only took a couple of days.
     Perfect harbor at ChiChi.  We were told there were some bad actors on the island but I didn't understand.  Everyday a small ship or two would arrive (Japanese) and take 4 or 5 hundred Jap soldiers home.
     One morning my lieutenant got a squad of us - 13 men - together -- we were going out to a small island in the harbor -- we were warned not to let anyone slip by us.  We grabbed this Jap officer and brought him back to our Brig.  That's when I found out some of these officers were wanted for beheading our fliers and then eating their livers and other body parts.
     My Platoon sergeant was Hugo Marcolini.  He had been a starting guard on the St. Bonaventure football team.  Sergeant Marcolini was also a hand to hand expert - ju jitsu - forget what we called it then.  Sarge says to me -- hey Fred, these guys have a real hot shot wrestler -- a Captain Yoshii.  So I want to put on a show for C - Company.  He said I need a guy like you to demonstrate with.  He said the Captain Yoshii and himself would throw me around the mat showing their different skills - I was to remain passive throughout.  They took turns flipping me and the Captain was terrific.  So was Sarge. 
     Two weeks later -- found out that Captain Yoshii was a murderer and a cannibal.  ( My hand is cramping now - take a break.)  Never would have taken part in the show had I known.  Captain Yoshii was hanged for his crimes.
     There were so many small episodes that occurred there -- could not recount them all.  Then my Platoon took a DE ( destroyer escort) South to the island of Ha Ha Jima.  We brought a U. S. NAVY demolition team to destroy large gun emplacements in caves on the mountain sides.  Amazing rock tunnels with railroad tracks for the huge artillery.
     Saw two ranch like dwellings that belonged to the Nathaniel Savory family -- he was a whaler from Nantucket - landed there in early eighteen hundreds. 
     Left ChiChi -- back to Guam -- disbanded 1st Battalion --sent more people home.  rest of us boarded ship and sailed to Sasebo Japan.  We spent months in disposition of weapons and ammo.  Every day we had laborers load small boats and it was taken a couple of miles out to sea and deep sixed.  Thousand s of tons.
     came back to the States in August, 1946.  was honorably discharged August 21st.  Would not exchange that adventure for anything.  Dozens of small items - some stern and sad -- many funny too.  Didn't do much but I made it back.
                                                                        With love for Veronica and Olivia
                                                                         Grandpa Fred

     I wish he had shared more with us but I know that sometimes things are too painful and personal. 
I do know though that at the end of his life, two years ago that it was a privilege and a joy to be able to spend that last few weeks spending as much time as possible with him.  He shared and loved on all nine of us kids with abandon. Mom, Julie, Ann, Mary, Sue and I hung out on the bed in his room.  He sat in his recliner, holding up the ever present  Boston Herald and looked over at as and said how happy it made him to see all of us there.  When he tired he would  tell everyone to "scram" "go read" or something.  
     While in the hospital, previous to this, Daddy spent some time with our Pastor Jason McConnell and another priest.  It was then that he gave his heart to Jesus.  After spending time in prayer, he said,
"I found grace! and it feels like Christmas!"  To hear my rough, gruff Daddy say this was balm to my spirit.  After many years of praying for him, to know that he had found peace at last and would be in heaven for eternity was such a gift. 
     One afternoon, as I sat on the floor beside his recliner, he said that the priest said he should pray and for the first time in my memory, my Daddy prayed for me!  He said a simple prayer, thanking God for the day and the birds and prayed a blessing on Paul and I for when we moved to "the south land of America."  It was short and sweet but so memorable because it came from his heart. 
     In another conversation we had,  Daddy talked about his life, having gone overseas, drank for many years, raised nine kids and so on.  He pointed up and said, "I have one ace in the hole!, my guardian angel!  You may think I'm cuckoo but I know now that it was this angel who watched over me all these years."  It wasn't those exact words but he could either see or sense the angel that was right beside him in that room waiting to escort him home to heaven. 
     I am so grateful to have had that time with him.  I miss him so but I am confident that I will see him again someday.  This promise tells me so:
"Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in God; believe in me as well.  In my Fathers house are many rooms; if that were not so would I have told you that I am going to prepare a place for you?  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am."  John14:2

That smile!
I am glad I have this picture of us even
 though it shows off my "honker" of a nose!

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Trip to Southport NC

Sunday we took the girls to Fort Fisher to take the ferry over to Southport.  Emily is visiting from Vermont and Faith's friend Dylan also joined us.  Here we are waiting for the cars to load.  The ferry goes out every 45 minutes so we got a chance to have a snack and walk around.  It was so nice out on this day, uncommonly cool for a July day in NC. 

 A fellow passenger was kind enough to offer to take our picture.

 A nice breeze and a bit overcast to start out.  It felt good!

 A friendly visitor who likes to eat chili cheese fritos!

 My loves! 

Emily, I do believe you are a bit like Grandma and don't like to have your picture taken!

 Happy girls!

 That's better!  Smile a little smile for me .... Emily!

A little Coast Guard action.

When we got to Southport, we stopped at Fishy, Fishy for lunch.

Nice indoor / outdoor dining next to the waterfront.
Yummy clam chowder!

A little park beside the Southport police station with this amazing tree!

Hi Dill!  What a fun nickname. 
 I am afraid once I heard her Mom call her that, the name stuck!

Faith was brave enough to climb up high. 
 I couldn't in my flip flops!

Wow~!  I just love this tree!  One of my favorite parts of the day!

For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace;
 the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing,
 and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands."  Isaiah 55:12
This one was beside it! 

Silly face, tired of getting her picture taken!

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


     My daughter Faith is 16!  Hard to believe that my baby is a young lady now.  She is graceful, pretty and independent.  She is quiet most of the time but when she gets silly, her laugh is rich and contagious.  She loves her family fiercely and her dog just as much.  Even though Grover is like a grouchy old man, she still lets him sleep on her bed and loves him!
Girl and her best friend.

Going to a summer wedding.

First day of sophomore year.  Laney High School. Wilmington NC.

Pretty as a picture!

Laughing with her cousin Rachel.

I love you my sweet girl!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

A visit to the USS North Carolina 4/30/18

Living in the South kind of feels like a vacation all the time because of the warm weather.
But even though its warm, I am afraid Paul and I haven't done as much exploring as we could and should.  So we are trying to take more field trips to check out all the Wilmington area has to offer. 

Last Monday, we went to visit the USS North Carolina Battleship Memorial!
                                    A crystal clear, blue skied 70 degree day!

Most of these pictures speak for themselves.
I was awed by the enormity of the ship.

I think my favorite part of seeing all these historical things was
reading the real live words of the men who served on the ship.
It brought me back to another place and time.

Truly Magnificent.
You are too Paul!

The training and skill and bravery of these men!
All I can say is Wow!"

This roll of Honor
perpetuates the memory of the ten thousand North Carolinians
 of all the
United States Military Services
who died
World War 11
Not for fame or reward
Not for place or for rank
Not lured by ambition
Or goaded by necessity
But in simple obedience to duty
As they understood it
These men suffered all
Sacrificed all
Dared all
And died

Top bunk anyone?
I can't imagine sleeping on such tiny beds.

Once again. "Wow!"
Imagine, 50 bucks a month!

Hi handsome Hunny!

So many connections!



The chapel.
I love the retro blue organ!

Ice cream sandwiches.
I literally remember my sister Mary making
 an ice cream sandwich one day after school
using white bread and ice cream!

The drinking fountain was called a "scuttlebutt."


I believe this is an original newspaper.

The commissary.
  Hot fudge sauce!  Yum.
  I can imagine that ice cream
sundaes helped with moral.


Even a dentist office on the ship!


We spent close to four hours exploring the USS North Carolinian and
didn't even see everything.  Hope you enjoyed the pictures of our
"field trip."

The intricacies and engineering of the ship was unbelievable.
I can only imagine what the modern ships look like now!

Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...