A blessing for you and your Mommy and Daddy
"But the love of the Lord remains forever with those who reverence HIM. HIS salvation extends to the children's children of those who obey HIS commandments!" Psalm 103:17 and 18
Hello to you my newest granddaughter! Welcome to the family! Your name is August yet you were born in May. I am sure many people will question that throughout your life but that is ok. I love your name. I am your Mima and my birthday is August 16th so maybe that is why I am partial to that month and name. Your Daddy's birthday is in August also. I decided to look it up and the first definition I came across says, "marked by majestic dignity or grandeur" Wow! Sounds like royalty! Honored, esteemed and highly regarded are some other definitions that I came across. So know that your name is special and so are you! You are the daughter of a most high KING! He has good plans for your life and you are loved!
On the day that you were born, May15, 2019, your Mom texted me around 5 in the morning to ask me if I was at work yet. I said " Are you in labor?" She said, " I think I am. I am getting in shower. contractions are only a few minutes apart." I was getting ready for work and had to be there at 6:00 am so I was wide awake. I told her I would come right over so that I could drive her and your Daddy to the hospital. I said, " I'm on my way." and Mommy said, "Ok I' m rushing to get ready it was kind of sudden." Labor is like that. When you least expect it!! I arrived at your apartment at 5:47 am and Mommy and Daddy came out. I drove them to Northwest Medical Center and dropped them off at the Emergency entrance. By 7:54 am I received a message from Mommy telling me that you were here. Wow, that was fast I thought! I was grateful to be working right next door at Dialysis so I knew I would get to meet you very soon. That made me so happy. I am glad that your Mommy had a quick labor and delivery. You were healthy and strong and had a lot of dark hair. You are beautiful just like your Mom. 
You look so tiny! all 6 pounds of you!
Mama is so happy to meet you!
I am so happy to meet you too!
I love you August!
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