On September 4th we celebrated Audrey's 17 birthday! It seems like just yesterday she was 16! How the years have flown by. This girl is special. Pretty, loving, huggable, a hard worker, devoted, loyal and strong! She has loved and learned alot of lessons already in her 17 years. Especially in this last year. Getting her liscence, her first job, and a car! She has loved and lost someone special. She has poured out her heart to me. This makes me so happy. Because she shares with me, she wants me to know stuff and she clings tightly to her Mama!
This new "woman" child is always gonna be my little girl. I marvel at how she has changed and grown. Sometimes I can't believe she is that same little girl. How she carefully looks at situations and how they affect not only her but everyone around her. How she can apply what she learns to every part of her life! She complains that she is not good at anything. Not true. She is HERSELF and no one does this better thant Audrey! She is grasping, seeking and so passionate about life! I love her.
Happy Birthday sweet daughter!
Enjoying birthday dinner with Mama, Paul, Faith, Jerica and Nikki
Turtle cake with sparkler candles!
Make a wish~the best is yet to come!
Herman Mama
Happy Birthday to my Mom
She's not mean, nor dirty
I forget how old she"s gonna be
So let's pretend she's thirty
You know what Mom!
You're really not fat
You're Beautiful
& unfortunately allergic to cats
That plaid big butt
I didn't get from you
with you as my trainer
I'll be brand new!
You're such a great role model
Except when you tooot
You taught me to fight back
When witches threaten to prosecute
Denying my request for a dog
Year after year
Now Grover loves you best
Not exactly what I feared
There are no "nice boys"
Who needs the male gender
You supply all my joy
This is the first poem I've ever written
So sorry if it's dirt compared to yours
Oh and by the way,
I need more zit cream to cleanse my pores!
How fun is this poem?!
Love you girl!