The theme was to be a seaside escape. The church hall was decorated beautifully!
We sang some beautiful songs and had the opportunity to
worship and pray with the soothing sound of the surf in the background.
We used the sand on the tables for one of our games. We had to pour out the sand slowly from our hand and try to time it so that it was all gone within 30 seconds. It was a lesson in learning how to live within God's timing. Sometimes I really want something now!! For example, for the last three years, I have hoped to move from Enosburg to St Albans. Our house never sold in all that time! I could take matters into my own hands and try to force the issue. I could try to rent it out and move anyway. But I believe that God has a plan for our lives. He wants us here in Enosburg for the time being. In His good time, when things are right and according to His plan, I am sure we will have no trouble selling our house. But for now, this is where we are and where we will stay and I am at peace with that. This is one lesson, I think I knew before the retreat but it was confirmation of it for me.
Sharon, enjoying the lounge chair!
Roxanne led the singing, worship portion of the retreat.
She is a true blessing to the Church of the Rock!
My sisters in Christ singing and praising the Lord together!We were seated at tables in groups of 3 and 4 and I believe that God placed us exactly who we needed to be sitting with that day. Who we could help and minister to and who would help and minister to us.
Did you know that if the starfish loses one of its arms, it is able to grow it back again?
(as long as it stays in the ocean) The lesson here for us was that even though we go through trials and very painful times, we are not completely broken! We are still able to heal as long as we give it all to God and trust in HIM! He makes all things new!
A lot went on at this retreat. Hanging out with friends, singing, playing silly games, eating yummy food and making new friends. Many things I won't remember, but there were a few specific things that God had in place for me to learn on this day and I won't soon forget them.
The first thing that happened was that I had the time to quietly pray for about 15 minutes. I was specifically praying for my hunny Paul. He had been quite sick for the last month with some kind of virus that was kicking his butt. He was so down and out. I was picturing Jesus pouring oil on his head and healing him. Praying hard for him to feel better. Just as we finished praying, I received a text from Paul saying that he was doing a lot better and was working in the garage. He sent me a video of the skidoo starting up! By the sound of his voice in the video, I knew that he sounded more like his old self. I knew then that God was going to heal him.
The other thing I will never forget about this retreat is this little story.
I ran into a woman at this retreat, whom I had been angry at for a very long time. It was a grudge that I had held but had turned over to God. I had prayed for about 3 years for God to help me to forgive her. I never saw her very often but every once in a while, the memory of the hurt would crop up. Well, doesn't she end up here at my church!! I did the only thing I could. At lunch break, I went over to her table and told her I was sorry. She said it was all forgotten and I told her that no it wasn't. That I had held a grudge for a very long time and I was sorry. Isn't God good? To gently bring this person to me in a safe place and allow me to ask forgiveness and truly know that it was all healed! Isn't He so very loving and gentle when he disciplines us His daughters? I will never forget this lesson. I was able to let all this go finally! God forgives us and forgets our sins immediately.
Shortly after lunch and this apology,we had to form new groups within the retreat. You guessed it~I ended up in a group of three with this woman! We got to talk and get to know each other and share what God was doing in our lives. Look how God heals and makes new, things that are broken!
There were many lessons at this retreat but these are the things I will remember the most. How God placed me in the right place to learn a lesson from His very gentle spirit!
God is good. I am glad he is teaching me so sweetly!
"Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." Psalm 46:10