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Monday, April 18, 2011

The Music of the Swamp

      On our trip to Charleston, South Carolina, we visited the Audubon Swamp Garden which is a part of the Magnolia Gardens.  This was probably our most favorite part of the whole trip.  Also the cheapest.
 For 8 dollars, we got to walk through an amazing swamp filled with wild life.  We walked along a board walk over acres of water filled with turtles, alligators, snakes, snowy white egrets, herons and all kinds of creatures! 

The fun part was trying to be the first one to
spot a certain species.  Though I must say,
Paul has a really good eye and he was spotting
 most of them before me. 
That's ok cuz taking pictures of
them is just as fun!

Paul spotted this cottonmouth snake minutes after saying there were no snakes here!

But I did manage to catch a short video of this alligator!

                                           Paul was the first one to spot this guy!

                                            I think this gal is looking to make an alligator purse!

                                                                          Lazy gator!

     I did learn some new things about my husband on this trip.  One is that he really loves taking pictures so I'm going to have to get him a camera for his birthday.  It's hard sharing sometimes.  He is clever and comes up with some great shots!

                                                                       Like this one!

                                                      And this little lizard guy!!   Love it!

                                                      And him... I love him the most!

     Another thing I relearned is how compatible we are.  We spent over 3 hours at this swamp and we didn't tire of exploring and sharing and exclaiming over our discoveries. 

                                                           I think he loves me too!

     It is an awesome thing to take a vacation and remember why you fell in love in the first place.  Also it was so great to go to a brand new location and discover things together!  Neither of us had ever gone there so it was completely new and exciting for us!  So I am thankful we had this time alone together.  It was beautiful.  He is my best friend.  He is the one who makes me laugh.  He takes care of me and I love to spend time with him!!  My hunny!  I love you Paul!


  1. You've got some excellent shots here!! Get that man a camera for sure, if it's something that he enjoys. Taking pictures is such a good stress reliever.

    What a wonderful time for the two of you, Janet. So glad that you were able to take it together!!

  2. Hi Janet,
    I found this post while looking for photos to use with an article about the writer Lewis Nordan, whose best known novel is titled "Music of the Swamp." Would you allow the photo at the top of this post to be used for that purpose (with appropriate photo credit to you of course). Let me know at if you would consent. Thanks for considering,
    Wilson Peden


Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...