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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dream of a Mountain Side Road

  I don't always write about my dreams in my blog but I do write about them in my journal.  I really believe if you pay close attention to your dreams, especially when they are especially vivid and detailed, that there is a message in them to help you in your life's journey.  I know this from experience and that in the Bible God often used dreams to speak to His followers, to guide and warn them. 
     In Genesis, Chapter 37 Joseph describes two of his dreams to his brothers.  When Joseph was 17, he dreamed that he was in a field with his brothers, binding sheaves and all his brothers sheaves bowed before him.  He also dreamed that " The sun, the moon and eleven stars bowed low before me!"  He had 11 brothers and when he became an adult and was a right hand man of the Pharaoh; in charge of all the land in Egypt; the dreams he had as a teen came to fruition.  His brothers were in need of food and they came to him for help.  Technically, they were at his mercy and bowed before him. 
     Joseph also had the ability to interpret dreams.  Daniel is another person in that Bible that was able to interpret dreams.  It is a prophetic gift.  In Numbers 12:6, it says, "When there is a prophet among you, I, the Lord Himself reveal myself to them in visions.  I speak to them in dreams."  In Acts 2:17, it says, "In the last days, God says I will pour out my spirit  on all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young mens will see visions, your old men will dream dreams."
      It is humbling and exciting to think that our God will give such a gift.  I believe that God speaks to me to give me instruction and guidance and I humbly seek in His word and through experience and prayer to see what He is trying to tell me.  Anything I write and share here is to encourage my family and truthfully, myself. 
     Two weeks ago, I dreamed of a mountain road.  Faith and I were walking.  In the distance, was my destination.  Not sure what the place was but it was clearly in view.  A city.   I knew we didn't have far to go.  But beside me was this mountain with a road going back and forth along the side of it.  It looked scary; treacherous.  I could see vans, traversing along it.  I thought to myself, I cannot and do not want to travel that way!  But apparently I had to take this route before I could get to my destination.  I looked for pictures of a mountainside road in Google images and found a few that kind of look like my dream picture.  This is a close, but not completely accurate image!!
     Kind of amazing to see a road like that! How much works must go into building it!   To return to the rest of my dream, though I soon found myself sitting in one of the vans, in the rear back seat facing west.  A baby was being strapped to my lap.  But when I looked at the seat belt is was just a thin, flimsy strap with threads hanging off it. 
     That was my dream.  I can't get the image out of my head and the emotions that it evoked in me as I took this journey in my dream.  The questions it brought.  For instance, "Why can't I just walk straight to my destination?"  "Why do I have to go such a dangerous route?"  "Why does it have to be so difficult?"  "I am afraid."  "I want to do it my way!"  "It would be so much easier to just walk the other way."  "Carrying a baby makes it even harder."  "It's not safe!"  "That is not much of a seat belt."  And on and on.  Then just knowing that this is the route I have to take to get to where I want to go! 
     As I write this, I think I answered my own questions.  As I journey through life and look at all our circumstances I am reminded that the road is so difficult.  You may think you can just get to a certain point quickly, however God may want you to take the narrow, difficult way.  You'll get there but it may be that He has you go through trials and hard times to get there!  I think of the past.  My troubles with anxiety and depression that I  have overcome.  Difficulties with my children when Holly was a rebellious teenager and when Nolan had infections from appendicitis and was so sick.  As my husband Paul suffers from joint and back pain continuously and still works so hard.  Raising five children and all the bills!  Things sometimes seem as enormous and difficult to travel as that road was!  I still struggle with sensitivity and trying to do the right thing. Sometimes wanting to do the easier thing.   The path is difficult.  The Bible says in Proverbs 20:24 "A person's steps are directed by the Lord.  How then can anyone understand their own way?"  Proverbs 14:12 says "There is a way that appears to be right, but in the end it leads to death."  This is harsh, but sometimes we just have to be humble and obedient and take the hard way.  Serving others and putting your needs last.  I love this verse in Isaiah though!  verse 30:21 says:  "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, "This is the way, walk in it!" What a comfort.



Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...