I took my first snowshoe walk of the year last week. I like going and bringing Grover with me because he doesn't need a leash out in the fields! As soon as I go outside and he realizes it is time for a walk, he leaps and bounds through the snow almost like a bunny rabbit. This day was no different. We headed out back. There is a small stream that we cross first, then a hay field and finally a gate through to the golf course.
The stream wasn't quite frozen all the way yet so I took a very clumsy jump across the foot or so of water and managed to land upright! Grover just sloshed right on through. Then he ran ahead and I broke a trail through the foot of snow on the ground!

Grover ran ahead exploring along the edge of the woods. Every so often running back to me to make sure I was ok. Eventually, after about a half mile or so, he ended up behind me. I could feel him stepping on the back of my snow shoe every so often. We trudged along. I think we might have only walked about a mile when he really slowed down. All of a sudden he bounded ahead and then stopped and lay on his side. I looked down at him. I couldn't help but laugh when I realized that he was totally covered in snowballs on his entire belly and legs!! He could hardly move another step! He had huge snowballs stuck to the balls of his feet and hanging all over his belly and legs. The poor dog was trying so hard to keep up with me. I think this dog would follow me anywhere! But then he just couldn't take another step! What a dog! I guess when he got wet crossing the stream, it caused him to collect the snow as he ran through it! I got down beside him and tryed to remove the bulk of it! Then I carried him to the stream and tossed him over!

Here we are once we got back to the house. Still a lot of snow stuck to the little guy. It was hard to remove them all so we ended up bringing him in the house and running some warm water in the tub to get the rest of them off!
I couldn't help but think about how loyal a dog is to keep moving even in such an uncomfortable state. I think as people, we sometimes tend to do the same thing. Leaping ahead. Trying to get through life, carrying so many burdens, and worries. Sometimes we try to help too many people or fix too many things. We get so bogged down that we can't enjoy the "walk through the snow".
I am reminded that I can only do so many tasks in a day. I must do the best I can but learn to say no. I must not take on too many responsibilities. In my Bible study group today, my mentor, Lucy was saying that even though she often feels that she could help in situations; it isn't always her job to do so. We must learn to do what we can where God has placed us. He doesn't expect us to do it all. So when I collect so many snowballs that I just lay down in the snow because I can't keep moving, He will brush me off and pick me up! But why try to carry such a big load to begin with? It is better to keep my eyes on HIM. Let him break the trail and I will follow behind!
Psalm 23:3 says
"He restores my soul.
He will lead me in paths of righteousness for his name sake."
Thank you Lord for this lesson.