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Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Grover and I went golfing...I mean snow shoeing today.  I don't even know how to spell that.  About 20 degrees on this December day.  But the sky was blue and the sun was shining.

 A little difficult to take Grover out running lately.  Too icy and snowy out.  But yesterday when I went down into the basement, I noticed a couple of pairs of snow shoes up in the rafters left there by Jake.  I've never even tried it before.  So with a little help from Audrey's friend Isaac... He showed me how to attach them to my boots.  I was ready, and off I went.. into the wild blue yonder...I mean the Enosburg Golf Course.
Not very difficult to maneuver at all.  And with my trusty ski poles, I got a real cardio workout!!

Here we are at the 13th hole!!

As you can see by his tracks, Grover doesn't just run through the snow; he leaps, he bounds, he hops like a rabbit!  But he always comes back when I call him.  I think he likes this better than running on his leash.

  The wind was blowing, the snow was sparkling but I was cozy in my skidoo suit.

I'm really a summer girl.  You'll never hear me complain in the heat or humidity.  I love to run and bike and swim.  But theres something about the beauty of snow.  Clean, white, crispy, crunchy brilliant lightness.  Hiking here in this beautiful setting reminds me to appreciate all of the seasons.  I am especially grateful that God gave me Grover.  My babies are grown up.  I never thought I'd have a dog.  And I never thought I'd take so much delight in him. :)  But here we are and we so enjoy a good walk together!

It also reminds me of how He sees me.  Psalm 51:7 says: "Cleanse me with hyssop and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow."

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Party 2010

Mom and Dad actually look great in their Christmas attire.  Look at those dainty little trees on Mama's sweater.  Oh and that color!

      We had an amazing time at Joe and Jen's house for our annual Christmas Party.  Once again I am overwhelmed by how our family has grown.  There must have been about 70 people there this year.  Eventually, we will have to rent out a hall to fit everyone in, says brother Mike.  But I think Joe's house is big enough to handle all of us for a few years more!


The yankee swap was loud, and greedy as always.  Every year, it seems like the family gets more and more creative with their gifts.  There were some real sought after ones such as a basket of ghiardelli chocolates, a couple of lush blankets, a marguerita gift basket and of all things, a Justin Bieber, life size cut out poster!By the way, I won the Beiber Poster!
In addition to the yankee swap, this year we added a new feature to the Christmas Party,  Wear your ugliest( although I think they are kind of pretty in a weird sort of way)Christmas sweater contest!  Almost everyone participated with the exception of a few grinches,( Joe, Allyn!)  The proud winners were:....

Kelly and Dwight the winners!
So, just another crazy, fun filled time with my beautiful family!

                                            Aren't they handsome in their decorated sweaters?

                           Jane and Mike should have got an award for best dressed couple!  Check out those green polyester pants!         
The girl behind the scenes: planning for the amazing ugly sweater contest>  Love the gingerbread man belt!
These sisters are having a good time!

Leah and Kalyn

Santa was even there!
Pretty girls relaxing!

                                            Looking good!                           
Pre Party sweater warm up!
They're too sexy for their sweaters!

She is too cool!(Mary, only pic I had and I had to include you)
Looking lovely in their holiday finest.  Don't worry Adam, I'll buy you a Christmas sweater for Christmas! :)
Merry Christmas to all and may Santa bring everyone a new Christmas sweater!!
Love Janet

Trying to find Peace

   Lord, time of quiet with You is scarce  My brain is scattered  My cup is bare I fill the day meeting needs Working Chasing Not on my knee...